Michelle Frank
Producer and Curator
Passionate about the environment, water, mermaids, and arts. Also child abuse and neglect prevention. An advocate of equity, experiential education, literacy, books, Little Free Libraries, reading nests, and cultural storybirds. Jazzed about quotes; stories; food; music; social media and cool license plates.
Degree in Education from Lesley College (now University) in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Thoroughly enjoyed having lived in Boston, MA, Richmond, VA; Pittsburgh, PA; and Battle Creek, MI; along with several summers in New Hampshire and New York; and England while on a college exchange program.
Blessed to be married to Charles Rose, and by my family, friends, and community. Thankful to the Art Center of Battle Creek, Michigan, USA for this opportunity to create and present the Be A Water Hero! Exhibit.
Please consider liking/subscribing to the Art Center of Battle Creek and the Be A Water Hero! website and Facebook page.